Tuesday, May 12, 2009

God's Work

This is going to be a post following-up on the previous interogatory about a Christian System of Economics.

The question was whether or not there was a clear, definable, operable statement of economic principles by which existing theory could be analyzed or a unique theory developed.

On-going research and study has been quite remarkable.

Arguments can be found on the part of nearly every economic/political/social theory which cherry-pick amongst the writings of the Bible to demonstrate that Christianity favors that particular idea being promoted. Thus the Scripture has been used to defend both the Divine Right of Kings and democracy.

In truth those who attempt to prove a divine approval of their pet priciples are always wrong and, further, missing or ignoring a fundamental truth: Christian standards of behavior cannot be applied to a secular world.

It is true that God would prefer that the material society operate by the spiritual code revealed in the Bible; it is also true that God neither expects nor requires that it do so.

Only those professing to be of Christ are obligated to conform to the divine plan and even they obligate themselves by choice and by confession of a desire to be like Jesus.

Thus, in sum, Christian economics is not about how to organize the global economy but about how the Christian is to live in obedience to the Father.

If that is understood, then the next posts on Christian economics will be seen in a new light, with a peculiar view and a different purpose.

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