Wednesday, August 27, 2008


A slight detour here.

Just read an article on how the CDC is ringing the alarm bells over a measles outbreak (about 180 cases, more or less) and how about half of these are among those dastardly non-compliant homeschoolers who are, suprise, surprise, also not enamoured with pedeatric vaccinations.

All of this is designed to accomplish a couple of objectives: 1) Distract attention away from the disasterous fraud that is Gardisil (profitable, however); 2) Shower the homeschoolers with negativity and disdain, as if measles were some sort of rebellious conspiracy.

Well, despite what the self-indulgent bureaucrats/corporate stooges might say, these home-schooled children will be better off rather than harmed.

Yes, measles can be uncomfortable, so are mumps and chicken pox...I know, I had them all.

However, as intended by the Designer, the immune systems of these children will be stronger and more effective against the diseases being dumped on us from the sky and through the water every day by the pharmo-government complex.

The Children will live to fight another day.

The vaccinated will not.

And, by-the-by the other half of those contracting measles were vaccinated - so just how effective is it?

Save your family: Don't Vaccinate indiscriminately.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

,,,Live by Faith

Big faith is easy. It really is.

Big faith is easy because having a broad, universal faith in what God does does not connect to the small moments of our lives.

Believing that God is somewhere, outside of our earthly vision, creating all that is, knowing the end from the beginning, running the solar system, the galaxies, the universe; believing that God keeps the ships afloat is easy.

When you read in Old Testament history that the greatest army in existence is decimated and tens of thousands of soldiers slain in one night by a few angels is not that hard to believe.

Little faith is hard.

To believe that Jesus truly knows that you don't have rent money, that your a/c is broken, your car has no gas, and that He will provide exactly what is necessary just in time is very, very hard.

Yet, it is little faith that God desires from us.

Genesis begins: In the beginning God...

God is presumed. There are no debating points, just the easy faith that in the beginning was God.

God does not ask you to believe or try to persuade you to have faith that He was in the beginning. Throughout the scriptures God is the premise.

The debate is what that means to you.

And that is really, really hard.

Little faith, practical faith.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Class Warfare

I know this will sound harsh, but I am firm on this position: A Christian cannot work for the federal government.

It may also be the case for state and local as well, but I am not as persuaded yet at the total depravity of the lesser governments.

That the national is wholly evil is undeniable - and no-one can work within that system and remain unaware of its dark designs on the people of the nation.

In fact, I think that, if it is not obvious already, a stratification of American society will become apparent, a class division along new lines. The new classes will be the elites of politics and business at the apex; at the next level will be the bureaucrats, in government and corporations, loyal to the system and the elites. Third will be those who choose the system but are outside of the functional power structure. At the bottom will be those outside of the system, by choice or because the system rejects them.

There will be (and is today) a small faction not only outside the system, but in active opposition to the system. These will operate throughout the infrastructure, disrupting, overturning, prophesying.

Race, wealth, noteriety will become less significant as this caste system takes hold.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Future Is Hard to Predict

I really missed the original content on the Predicto blog.

News digests are great. Someone always picks up on something missed by others.

But the real meat is in how each person sees meaning in what is happening here, there and everywhere.

So with gusto, let the smack begin!

If you want to post here, contact me by email.

All apologies to Z, if needed.