Saturday, August 23, 2008

,,,Live by Faith

Big faith is easy. It really is.

Big faith is easy because having a broad, universal faith in what God does does not connect to the small moments of our lives.

Believing that God is somewhere, outside of our earthly vision, creating all that is, knowing the end from the beginning, running the solar system, the galaxies, the universe; believing that God keeps the ships afloat is easy.

When you read in Old Testament history that the greatest army in existence is decimated and tens of thousands of soldiers slain in one night by a few angels is not that hard to believe.

Little faith is hard.

To believe that Jesus truly knows that you don't have rent money, that your a/c is broken, your car has no gas, and that He will provide exactly what is necessary just in time is very, very hard.

Yet, it is little faith that God desires from us.

Genesis begins: In the beginning God...

God is presumed. There are no debating points, just the easy faith that in the beginning was God.

God does not ask you to believe or try to persuade you to have faith that He was in the beginning. Throughout the scriptures God is the premise.

The debate is what that means to you.

And that is really, really hard.

Little faith, practical faith.

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