Thursday, March 25, 2010


One of the comforts of the rapture mythology is that we will be removed from the earth before the really nasty events take place. If you are a Christian in the United States or most other western nations, that idea might be rational, but if you are a believer in China, Sri Lanka, India, an Islamic nation, or nearly any other country, you might see the rapture doctrine differently.

We in the United States, especially, have no idea what persecution or tribulation is like. Court cases about school prayer or the teaching of intelligent design versus evolution or lesbian teenagers attending the prom are not persecution - nor tribulation. What we have experienced in this country up till now are not unwarranted assaults on an innocent people.

The American Church is experiencing the natural outcome of its participation in the synthetic process of politics and human governance.

By surrendering the independence of separation, accepting 501c3 and other non-profit corporate charters, becoming part of the system and adapting the message to the community, the Church has forsaken the spiritual high ground. The Church is compromised.

The corporate organizational structure is satanic.

The Church, by accepting corporate form, has become double-minded and will not be able to stand against what is about to come down upon it.

I noted in 2007 that the election of 2008 would be won by an unknown, dark horse, candidate and that "faith" would be a theme of the election. Earlier this year I also predicted that the health reform bill would pass and I have also predicted that the democrats would not lose power in the mid-terms.

Now, if you have noted the noise coming out of DC, you will have heard the growing accusations of threats, fears and terrorism being levelled against the opponents to the health reform bill. Some of these events are no doubt true, most of them are lies or false flags, many are the overblown reactions of guilty souls who know they did something wrong.

Regardless of the truth or falsity of the claims, they will be used to institute an assault on the Church because Christianity, in the eyes of the secularists, is synonomous with conservative politics. If, as I expect, the democrats survive the mid-terms, the oppression of Christians will increase exponentially.

That is assuming events are not managed so as to allow this administration to delay or cancel the elections.

I cannot promise that coming out of the corporate churches and separating yourself will save you from the looming persecution and tribulation...but I can promise you that if you don't come out now there will be no escape.

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