Thursday, August 5, 2010

So a solitary judge in California overturned an expensive and divisive constitutional anyone really surprised? His being a homosexual had nothing to do with his ruling, though, well not a lot.

This opinion now means a whole lot of money will be given to attorneys to do a lot of meaningless legal work (maybe they can get stimulus funds)and bunch of sweet, loving gays and lesbians can spend their boundless energy attacking and villifying people who dare to have an opinion and even more religious folk can fill the airwaves with senseless drivel about how the state licensing non-traditional marriage will destroy the moral fiber of the nation.

Well I call bullshit.

The judge made a correct ruling - probably for the wrong reasons, but correct.

Why, you may ask.

Because marriage licenses are issued by the state and the state makes the rules. Therefore, if the state wants to license same-sex marriage, it can. If the state wants to license polygamy, it can. If the state wants to enable NAMBLA's desires, it can and it probably will in the not too distant future.

Both sides of the conflict are populated by idiots - complete and cognitively defective idiots.

Why does anyone want the government, at any level, to decide and regulate and license who can marry who?

If either the pro or con side had spent any time in deep thought (and knew anything about history)they would be demanding the state get out of the marriage business.

Same-sex marriage will not bring the nation to ruin, it is a symptom of the ruin that already occurred because we made the state a god and forgot the real one.

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