Thursday, February 17, 2011

Madison, Wisconsin

Watching the typically nasty and potentially violent protests in Madison, Wisconsin, I am disgusted.

These people threaten to turn loose the hounds of Egypt are not vitual slaves (regardless of how bedraggled they appear) demanding an end to sweatshops and child labor. They are not resisting the inhumane demands of the ogres of industry.

Rather, these are people wearing shoes and polyester manufactured by real slave-laborers (though they may feel guilty and launch a balloon for peace).

While the protesters rage at Gov. Walker and the Wisconsin legislature, their real targets are the taxpayers of Wisconsin.

Never mind that in all likelihood those malingering at the capital are paid better, have more and better benefits, have a lighter workload, and retire earlier than those they despise as mere mudanes and worthy to be milked dry.

Gov. Walker, you are not going far enough. Privatize all the services and let these pampered unionists compete with real workers. For those which you cannot or are unwilling to privatize, add one simple additional rule: if a person is employed in the public sector, for as long as he is employed, his right to vote in the political division which issues his paycheck is suspended (if he works for the city, he cannot vote in city elections, for the state, in state elections, etc.).

Lest you think I am the only proponent of dealing harshly with these self-absorbed people, check out the following:

40% of Madison Teachers call in Sick, Schools Shut; Video of Massive Protest in Wisconsin Capitol Building; If Jackasses Could Think

Public unions objecting to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's plan that will save 6,000 jobs flooded the state capitol in protest. 40% of Madison area teachers called in sick.

Those teachers should all be fired. Unfortunately they cannot be fired because their union protects them.

And this:

Fire them all
The Wisconsin governor is doing a staunch job of standing firm, but it's time to go on the offensive and fire every teacher who called in sick on Thursday and Friday:

State and Madison teachers union leaders are urging their members to report to the Capitol Friday and Saturday for continued protests against Gov. Scott Walker's collective bargaining proposal. "We need you to come again (today). We need to hear you on Saturday," Mary Bell, Wisconsin Education Association Council president, said at a rally Thursday, when teachers from around the state joined Madison teachers whose absences closed schools for a second day.

I'd actually like to see Walker go one step further, decertify the teachers union and fire every public school teacher who belongs to it. That would border on epic and would instantly make him a national hero in the image of Reagan. One of the defining lessons of the Thatcher and Reagan eras is that the people love a politician who crushes unions. Pawlenty should be hoping for the spread of the teacher sickouts to Minnesota thus giving him the chance to improve his national profile by breaking the public employee union there.

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